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San Diego SEO Basics


The majority of internet activity today starts with a simple search. Consumers utilize search engines to gather research and gain information about a product or service before they take the plunge and make a transaction. Because of this, it is crucial to the success of your business to make sure your website is optimized to aid in it's discovery by potential customers.

This, however, takes time. And as most business owners know, there is never enough time in the day to get everything that you want accomplished done. The average business owner would rather spend his or her time managing day-to-day business operations instead of trying to figure out complex internet marketing techniques, search engine optimization strategies, or learning about algorithms and studying website analytics.

For this reason, most business owners turn to SEO specialists who understand both search engines and their sophisticated algorithms.  You could end up paying thousands of dollars for expert optimization services, but if the team that you hire doesn't understand the basics of on-page SEO, your chances of securing top spots for competitive key phrases are slim to none.

You don't have to exceed your budget to receive quality SEO services. Spending too much and going way over budget may not get you the results that you are looking for. Get SEO right and you'll succeed on the search engines. Get it wrong and you will never make it to the top, no matter what other campaign or technique is applied. So before paying anything or signing a contract, you need to make sure that you work with an SEO company like the SEO Management Team who knows what they’re doing and also has your best interest in mind.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimization.  It is the process of improving the visibility of a website in order for it to rank higher in organic search results, making it easier for people who are looking for your brand, product, or service via search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo to find you.

There are many components involved when improving the SEO of your site pages.  Search engines look for elements including title tags, keywords, image tags, internal link structure, and inbound links, and there are many more to name.  There are, however, many other factors that search engines look at, such as site structure and design, visitor behavior, and other external, off-site factors to determine how highly ranked your site should be in the search engine results pages. SEO's primary purpose is to get your website featured in the organic results section (all results that aren’t ads) of search engines.  Organic search results are based on a complex ranking algorithm unlike paid ads. In order for your site to be ranked, it is important that all of the elements below are met.

CONTENT: Search engines like Google crawl your site for text.  Your content should be relevant, informative and engaging to let search engines (and consumers) know what your site is about and the products and/or services that it offers.  Search engines determine what search terms your site should rank for based on the site text that is provided.  This is why content should be well developed and continuously updated.

KEYWORDS: Keywords are the words that users enter into search engines to find your site.  Everyday, millions of people use search engines to find anything and everything that they need.  There should be a few main keywords to provide focus and also show search engines the purpose of your site.  The keywords should be carefully selected and highly relevant to your businesses and its website.

LINKS: It is important to have external links that point to your site.  This tells search engines where to find you.  Having many external links allows the search engines to index your site faster and also gives your site greater credibility and authority.

STRUCTURE: Your website structure defines how your site pages connect with the others.  The goal should be that your users are able to access your pages with the least amount of clicks.  This makes your site more visible and allows your users and the search engines to find you with greater ease.

SITEMAPS: What is the purpose of a sitemap?  It maps out how each site page is connected to the others through links.  When search engines crawl your site, your sitemap increases the chance that all your site pages will be crawled and indexed.

How Can SEO Grow Your Business in San Diego?


So why do you need SEO for your business?  What does SEO really have to offer and how does the Internet impact the growth of your business?

Search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing are used by millions of people on a daily basis to find information, new products to buy, solutions to their problems and anything else you can imagine.  I’m sure there have been many times when someone asks you a question that you don't know the answer to and you've suggested that they "Google it."

All these daily searches create a huge market open to businesses who compete online.  If you have a website, your goal is to have as many visitors as possible and be given the opportunity to turn them into loyal customers.

The objective is simple; to position your website in one of the top five positions of the search engines results pages so that when people search for keywords related to your business, they can find you easily and way above the competition.  According to research studies, the top 5 positions are most likely to be picked by the majority of people (more than 70%) with the first, second and third positions to gain the biggest share.

Due to unscrupulous SEO companies and sales people that just want to make a buck, people have been misinformed as to what can really be accomplished with an effective search optimization campaign.  We don't guarantee that miracles will happen, especially since SEO is not an exact science and the outcome cannot really be predicted.  However, the visibility of your website can be greatly improved, which, in turn, increases your chances of being found online.

Be careful with who you turn to for SEO services.  Keep in mind that an SEO company can't produce high rankings just by offering directory submissions and poorly-written articles that don't even come from legitimate sources.

What, in reality, can SEO do for you?

1) It will help your website appear in one of the top positions in the search engine results pages (SERPs) when people search for related terms; and

2) It will provide for a great user experience since SEO is also about building high-quality websites.

SEO must be done within your website so that search engines can better understand what it is you are trying to promote in their index.  It is how you can promote your business online so that search engines are convinced that your website deserves one of the top places in their search results. This, in turn, can attract more visitors from search engine results pages.