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Buying Followers: Is it a Good Social Media Strategy?

Buying Followers: Is it a Good Social Media Strategy?


For most new businesses, setting up and becoming active on social media is often the first step in their digital marketing campaign. However, for some, it can be an extremely daunting task. From deciding on what to post about and how to gain followers, it often becomes difficult to determine where to begin. One question that comes up time and time again is whether or not to buy followers or likes on social media platforms. This, after all, is a valid question because the purpose of social media is to connect with as many potential customers as possible in an effort to get them to buy your product or service. 

However, does buying these followers actually give you access to more of your target market or niche? More often than not, the answer is no. Buying followers or likes does not guarantee that these people would buy your product or service. It doesn't even guarantee that they care at all about what your business does or that they are even real humans to begin with (i.e. Twitterbots).  Purchased followers are typically fake profiles that do little else than inflate your follower count without offering any of the benefits of interaction and meaningful engagement. Therefore, it isn’t about the number of followers that you have on your Twitter account; rather, it is about the quality of followers that you have. 100 active and engaged followers is far more likely to generate sales leads than 10,000 followers that don’t have the slightest care in the world about what your business does. 

Having a large number of followers does not give you the power to drive customer action, and, if the majority of these followers are uninterested, it does little to drive awareness for your business as well. Therefore, as a small business owner, it is important to focus on reaching out and engaging with people who have a genuine desire for what your business does. If you are a doctor, talk about ways that your patients can strengthen their immune system with weekly tips on Twitter. If you are an accountant or bookkeeper, distribute an article on surviving tax season that informs your current clients on best practices. With a little bit of effort and management, you can organize your social media campaign around SEO enriched content that your followers find interesting and care about. This, in turn, will give them the opportunity to learn about your expertise and also give them the opportunity to find and interact with you and your business. 

Always think back to the 80/20 rule, in that 80% of your business is derived from 20% of your customers. Likewise, having a smaller amount of quality connections that you engage with on social media will have a greater effect on your business than targeting a vast amount of uninterested followers. Focus on these loyal customers and do what you can to provide content that they will find interesting and share with their peers. Twitterbots and fake accounts in India are not going to do anything to drive customers to your business. So, for small business owners starting out on social media always remember this: Quality Over Quantity. Followers that you earn organically are the people who will click on your links, go to your website, read your blog posts and ultimately become one of your customers. If you have any questions or simply want to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to contact the SEO Management Team.

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