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We do onsite optimization and that is what we are good at. Every page should be optimized for the best possible results.

With our onsite optimization services, we analyze the balance of text, links, images, and media on your website. Then, we compare that data to the ones found on the top sites. In other words, we Google your keyword and and take notes on what these top sites contain. Things like how many words are on a page, how many links, and so on.

A great starting point for our SEO efforts is the content on your website and the HTML behind your website pages since they are among the most accessible and controllable SEO elements.  Our goal is to make each website page of your site search engine friendly, with its content and tools effectively defining your business goals.

Have at least one or, at most, two target keywords or phrases in mind per page.  This is also where we need to figure out where your site ranks on your chosen terms.  If you are already on page one of Google search for your chosen term(s), then the page needs to be left as is but updated to keep its content fresh and relevant to site visitors.

The SEO Management Team will create the perfectly optimized page and provide the professional help with keyword research, competitive research, content optimization, page design, set up and coding to dramatically accelerate the process.

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